How much water to bring on a hike? Well, no one likes to carry a lot of weight when going on a hike and water is heavy. But suffering from dehydration, one of the risks of not hydrating properly, is not worth a couple of pounds off your backpack. So, what is the right amount for you to you stay hydrated without breaking your back?
[Read more…] about How Much Water To Bring On A Hike: Everything ExplainedAmazon Outdoor Gear Deals: Hurry Up Before It’s Gone!
Ahhhh! This moment when we change the season… When we are happy to ditch the pair of shorts and wear a roll neck (even if it is not cold yet)… A new season means new clothes, and the same goes for your hiking wardrobe! With Amazon kicking on the season with amazing outdoor gear deals until 8th October 2021, it’s the perfect time for a spring (or autumn) cleaning. Hurry up! It’s only until stock lasts …
[Read more…] about Amazon Outdoor Gear Deals: Hurry Up Before It’s Gone!Best Hiking Insoles For 2023 And How To Choose Them
Got the perfect hiking boots? Gore-Tex membrane to repel water, high ankle collar for ankle support, lightweight but resistant, breathable but waterproof … everything should be fine, right? And no, you are still ending the hike feeling pain in your feet, lower leg muscles and knees. So why is that? The insole of course! But which one to choose? If you don’t know where to start, here is a selection of the best hiking insoles so you can wave goodbye to foot pain!
[Read more…] about Best Hiking Insoles For 2023 And How To Choose ThemWhat Is Hiking Insole And How To Choose The Right Pair
Having an awesome pair of hiking boots is one thing, but if you put on insoles that are not adapted to your foot, you will end up in pain like if you were hiking with a pair of city shoes. But not all hiking insoles are born equal and you would find a variety of shapes and fabrics on the market. So what is hiking insole, why you should get a pair and how to choose the right one for you. So many questions, here are all the answers.
Best Softshell Jackets For 2023 And How To Choose Them
When the weather gets cooler but not too cold, when it’s raining but not too much, when it’s windy but not stormy …. this is when we don’t know what to wear for hiking anymore. So, here is the good news: a softshell! Don’t know which one to choose? I’ve got you covered with a selection of the best softshell jackets and how to choose them.
[Read more…] about Best Softshell Jackets For 2023 And How To Choose ThemSoftshell vs Fleece: How To Choose And Which One Is Best?
With summer coming to an end, we reach this time of the year when we need to layer up again. But what to wear when the weather is not too cold yet the rainy season is on? The fight between softshell vs fleece is taking place in our heads. So, how do you choose between the two and which one is best? Let’s end this dilemma once.